Saudi Arabia…coming back to life

Great news for expats in Saudi or planning to be soon in Saudi needs to know that Saudi Arabia lifts curfew nationwide starting yesterday, 21st of June. Country resumes all economic activities under strict precautionary measures: social distancing, wearing masks, a gathering of more than 50 people is prohibited. Travel within the kingdom by variedContinue reading “Saudi Arabia…coming back to life”

Eclipsed ….Talent Mobility in Middle East

Stranded in the Middle East is a topic which is so close to our hearts. Let us build up an information database and support each other. I will be bringing opportunities to connect one to one with experts. Recruiters get their opinions and tips on how you can win in this situation.

Mobility or “No Mobility”

My first blog, all I wanted to talk about was talent mobility and how this field of work drives ardour for my profession, the reason or my constant urge to think creatively to make it more effective. We would have looked at the ongoing economic and geopolitical progress in the Middle East leaping into anotherContinue reading “Mobility or “No Mobility””

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