Eclipsed ….Talent Mobility in Middle East

Solar Eclipse

The eclipse of the year 2020 will be a historical moment. The partial eclipse is believed to be visible in all areas of the Middle East, excluding the Kingdom of Morocco and most regions of Mauritania. On the other hand, Abu Dhabi-based International Astronomical Centre believes that there will be an annular eclipse where the edge of the sun remains visible as a bright ring around the moon and that in areas of Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Oman. (

The idea of eclipse never amazes me as for some reason; instead, it scares because it is about blocking, holding the light. Everything going around right now in the world, and I hear stories of agony, suffering, and deaths makes my heart sink. The Covid-19 has come to us unexpected but undoubtedly prepared us for any challenge that may arise by again in future, as far as it’s not man-made.

Coming to the Middle East, the number of Covid-19 cases in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region crossed 645,318 on June 18, according to Worldometers data collated by MEED. It’s been more than three months, and children are at home, offices shut down, homes are now the new workplace and experts have already started talking new norms of working remotely, taxes that may imply on such employees etc. But imagine organization as large as 5000 to 10,000 are more employees, no one no policy is prepared to cater to a sudden change everything all business has confined to the boundary of one house. Last week, I was all lost of words when my son could not enter one mall or a community play area. Everyone from a school going kid to professional is scared for their health and does not know what comes next.

However, it is important to stay up to date, stay connected, help others and get the right support at the right time & learn new skills. Here I bring some further updates on the mobility, expat life and settling-in services.

United Arab Emirates

There has been some excellent news coming where cases are surely dropping and business coming back to a bit normalcy. The most notable relaxation of rules is being rolled out in the UAE, where test figures have crossed the three million mark. In Dubai, children under 12 years of age will be able to enjoy play areas, shopping and eating outlets from tomorrow. There is the hustle and bustle on the roads and shopping areas since the start of June, but rumors are in the air for another restriction coming soon. Maybe COVID-19 is yet to stay.

Not all emirates in the UAE have gone flexible. There is a partial curfew from 10 pm to 6 pm however, Dubai is almost open for business. Abu Dhabi did extend their block to any entry from other emirates for few more days.


After a stringent curfew, Kuwait has now eased down its lockdown moving to 10 hour curfew now. Numbers were not going down, but at the same time, a little break from the rapid increase in cases for the past months has given Kuwait leadership a sigh of relief. However, employees from the public sectors are specifically asked to work from home as their citizens were the most affected in comparison to expat versus citizen ration across the gulf.

However Immigration is still on hold and many of you wondering when it will open, keep checking daily updates from the Ministry of immigration.


Easing in movement across cities, malls and entertainment since June 15 2020. What we understand is that the COVID-19 has impacted Talent mobility and new avenues in Qatar. Qatar airways laying off plans and gradually opening up flights to limited destination are big news that you need to keep yourself updated. Cases are now crossing 1000 plus is a growing concern for the active economy and public health concern for Qatar.

Saudi (KSA):

Looking forward impatiently to open and lockdown easing down; however, numbers don’t seem to be coming down, and the government is considering taking higher security measures in Riyadh and returning to the curfew-like in Jeddah. In Jeddah, the curfew timing is from 3 pm until 6 am until June 20 and that may extend, will get to know today. The rest of the country will remain the same as stated in previous updates. Maybe situation with the virus improves, the routine will gets restored as soon as possible.


The second phase of deconfinement has started on June 14 in Algeria. Part of the country is entirely “unconfined”, but this does not yet concern the regions where most expatriates are, namely the coastal regions including Algiers and Oran. In these regions, the curfew is maintained from 8 pm to 5 am and restaurants remain closed. Most other shops are allowed to open.

Across the country, transport is restarting (public transport by bus and tram and taxis), and the measures allowing 50% of employees not to come to work are lifted (except for pregnant women and women with young children), this is big news for the country where strict measures were in place.

“The examination of a possible reopening of airspace and land and sea borders has been postponed until early July,” according to a press release from the Presidency of the Republic dated June 13.

Recruiters Perspective

It’s a difficult phase and hard to predict what is next. At one side businesses are desperately planning for the fourth quarter of 2020 as the opening up of regular business and on the other hand COVID-19 returning as the second wave in some parts of the world. Recruiters are arranging interview and posting jobs but yet not sure if they will be able to final an offer or bring someone onboard very soon.

My message to all the Talent would be to focus on keeping yourself updated and brushing your skills. Learn a new technology a new skill from wherever you get the chance from and stay connected.

Safety Note: Do not look into the Sun directly, it is highly dangerous and can cause permanent damage to your eyes.

Stranded in the Middle East is a topic which is so close to our hearts. Let us build up an information database and support each other. I will be bringing opportunities to connect one to one with experts. Recruiters get their opinions and tips on how you can win in this situation.

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Published by naziar16

A humble brought up and respectful to everyone irrespective of the background. Love to learn and connect. With years of experience in South Asia and the Middle East & exciting perspective to things (as other say) its time to share knowledge and views with the world.

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